Tuesday, September 2

Labor Day!

So what do you do when you have a long weekend?

Text as many people as you can to go hang out!
And here is Heather with the PIZZA! YUM! :)

After eating some good food what do you do next!?!

Just ask any kid!

You go play on the swings of course!

Hum...this one's a little small

If you look closely you can see Matt climbing the top of the swings

Sometimes its true...the taller you are the harder you fall

So after the swings we had to play sardines

Matt was the only one we couldn't find before the sprinklers came on

So things that I learned this labor day were:

  1. Don't wear flip flops to a park
  2. Bring the nice camera
  3. No matter how young you feel there is always something that tells you..."Oh No!" That wasn't a good idea!"
  4. Climbing a tree with flip flops seems really impossible without some ramifications :)

Thanks everyone for the awesome time!

1 comment:

Heather Atkinson said...

Oh giddy! Let's do that again soon! And why, oh why did you put up the pizza pic? Waugh! Lol!