Wednesday, September 24

Stay'in Alive

Those of you who are wondering if I am still alive no worries I haven't fallen from the face of the earth. ;)

This past Sunday our ward had a bake off! Since I haven't really been in a bake off I thought that I would give my mom's old fruit salad recipe a try. I really don't have any of her recipes so I had to do this all by memory...apparently I have found that I might have those "mad cooking skills".

At first when announced that the fruit salad aka "jello salad" had won I curiously looked into the crowed to see who the lucky winner was. When the moment came that I realized that I was the jello salad I am sure I had a deer in the head lights look. (A scene from Miss Congeniality had come to mind.) That would have been a Kodak moment. All I have to say is eat your heart out Martha Stewart!


Seth, Keri, Con and Finn said...

You rock Linds! I knew you had it in you :) I hope you are doing well! Miss you!

Heather Atkinson said...

Rock on! That's so cool! I wanted to participate in that so bad, but I had to go out of town. No worries on my part though, I would have been trampled under your mad cooking skills feet! :D Hahaha and yes, let's do hang out soon, I need to get out.