Thursday, November 13

My Frist Tag

I was tagged by Heather to fill out this 8 things quiz. Sorry I am a little slow posting

T.V. Shows I like to watch

1. Bones
2. Scrubs
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Bewitched
5. CSI
6. Lost
7. I loved TGIF when I was a kid
8. Another show that I loved to watch when I was a kid was out of this world because she could pause time with her fingers.

Eight things that happened yesterday

1. I rolled out of bead
2. Ate Cheerios
3. Went to work
4. Did some wash. (Yay)
5. Took some pictures of a hawk...a post to come
6. Went to peak
7. Watched TV with my brother Nathan and my Granny
8. Went to bed

Favorite Places to Eat

1. Home with my family
2. The conference room at work ;)
3. Rumbi Grill (I really like their sweet potato fries. Well worth least I think so)
4. Paradise Bakery
5. European Connection
6. Grinders
7. The Robins Nest
8. The Pancake House

Eight Things I'm Looking Forward to

1. The end of the week
2. Getting paid
3. Going home
4. Finishing my projects
5. Spending time with my family & friends
6. Future travels...I am not sure when that will happen
7. Holiday Breaks!
8. Getting my Christmas shopping done

Eight things on my wishlist

1. House
2. More storage
3. New iPod Nano
4. Food Storage
5. More money ;)
6. More time with my family & friends
7. Time to travel
8. All my bills to be paid :)

Eight People I tag

1. I Tag Josh! Eight Times!
2. Anyone who would like to be tagged! Your it! :)

1 comment:

josué said...

You may have won this battle, Lindsay Fidler, but the war has only just begun, and I --[dramatic pause]-- I shall win the war. MWAHAHAHA!