Sunday, November 16

Random Event/Thought

A few weeks ago a gentleman happened to come into my office to ask questions about the amazon Kindle. After discussing the product he had given me some background of his life as a professor in England. This might seem insignificant to some but after realizing that my last name was Fidler he mentioned some Fidler's that lived in England. I had mentioned that the Fidler's did come from England and that most of my ancestors were from Whales. He tried to encourage me to go back to where my ancestors lived to learn more about their past and how they came to America.

After this discussion I thought that I might never hear from this gentleman again but he arrived the next day with a book in hand.

He handed me this book so I would be able to learn more about the history of the isles, and also to remind me that I am only young once.

This got me thinking about a project that I was doing about a year and a half ago that I suddenly stopped due to a few events in my life. This book by the picture might seem small but even though it is a paper back it could stop a person dead in their track if it was thrown at their head. Will this spur me on to do more research outside the country? Who really knows...maybe.

Anywho this also got me thinking of recently discovered pictures of my grandmother, and mother that I never knew exsited. I had many people mention that I not only look alot like my mother but also my grandmother when they were my age. This made me a little curious to see how many simailarites that we do actually have in common. Since I was e-mailed a trial version of some software and I can't resist things that I might find fun or appealing (I know I'm a major nerd) I created this out of the trail version to compare similaries that we have.


Heather Atkinson said...

Nice! You ladies DO look similar! Hey, if you decide to go to England......PLEASE TAKE ME!!!! Some of my family comes from there as well. :D

Seth, Keri, Con and Finn said...

WOW! I know I have said this before but you look so much like your mom. I never realized you look a lot like your grandmother as well. How nice to look like such nice ladies :)