“What is UCET?”
“UCET is the Utah Coalition for Educational Technology. It is the mission of UCET to...
...promote the cooperative development and effective use of information technology in Utah's educational institutions.
...provide a forum for the exchange of information on technology by holding conferences, meetings, and workshops, and publishing a newsletter.
...bring together any and all parties interested in the use of technology in education for the purpose of representing their varied interests to each other and to the public.”*
Those who know how “nerdy” I really am have come to find out that this opportunity has been a great experience. I have never been known not to be in the electronics department ogling over the latest and greatest in technology. Of course I might wander out of the store with electro envy but who wouldn’t?
Our theme design for this year “UCET 2009 Define Yourself” sparked an interest and inspired my title background. Although I didn’t take the time to manipulate the wordle art for my own blog, UCET’s design was carefully created to the tiniest of details.

Sadly I wasn’t able to attend any of the sessions but was able to hear what others had enjoyed the most. Mostly people were awed by the iTouch, iPod, Flip Camcorders, Smart Boards, Smart Pens, and many others that I can’t think to name at the moment. I know for sure that I wouldn’t mind a fancy gadget like an itouch capable of downloading kindle books and many other exciting things. I know that I really can’t give it the justice that it deserves but the conference in my eyes was a great success. Until next year.
* information taken from www.ucet.org
You are such a nerd.
It takes one to know one!!!!
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