Tuesday, October 28

Blogging just to Blog

That's right! I am blogging just to blog!

I would like to say that I am cool enough to have random bloggable activities to blog about...but sorry I am at a loss.

Right now I am currently waiting for my brother. The thing that comes to mind while waiting is that a young turkey really doesn't look cute like many baby animals. Take for example...a duck. You may ask, "Why a duck?" Well I don't know why a duck, but it's a duck. Anyways they are usually really cute and fuzzy and everyone notices them around Easter time. Even the TV sitcom "Friends" has a baby duck and chick for a period of time. A turkey is never thought as a "cute" and "fuzzy" ever in it's life time. Most of the time when you think of a turkey you might have the same thoughts as Elizabeth did yesterday, and that was "Yum...Drumsticks!"

Why this thought provoking topic? Because there are two eyes that are staring at my fingers! It's creepy.

The culprit!

1 comment:

Seth, Keri, Con and Finn said...

Lindsay! Your blog looks great! It was so nice to have you over the other night. I hope we can do it again soon! Love you Linds!