Monday, October 20

Random Thought

So, have you ever noticed anytime that you have a little sniffle, that people treat you like you have quarantine stamped on your head? Just this past UEA weekend (a time where I thought I could catch up on things but obviously didn't) I had received the flu. (I know whoo hoo! Right?) Anyways during the times I wasn't curled up in a ball I was adding and redoing funish things to my blog. Hum...Is funish really a word?

Anywho I went back to work today and of course my voice was going all A-wall on me. This is when the quarantine stamp came into play. Some politely looked at my blood shot eyes and turned away, others quickly shooed me away with their hands. I occasionally had comments such as, "don't touch, breathe, or sneeze on this". Co-workers made invisible lines that of course I can't see. I wasn't even that bad. As I said before my voice just went a little A-wall. As a peace gesture I offered hand sanitizer wherever I went. Everyone politely declined. I thought the first preventive step was to wash your hands. Apparently I might have been wrong. ;)

Even though this should have bothered seemed like I was in my own little world humming the tune to "I dream of Jennie". did help me get through the day which seemed full of odd random questions such as, "I know that we get this money from the state, but where do we get it from?" Again this is just a random thought.


josué said...

Lindsay, I'm sorry I was mean to you when you were sick. At first I wasn't worried too much about sitting by you, but then I succumbed to the fear-mongering and rabble-rousing of Kathy. She turned me against you in your weakness, when I should have been your friend. I'm sorry. I hope you are feeling better.

p.s. How come I didn't get any legislative money? Please call up my legislators for me and find out.

Heather Atkinson said...

Funish is my favorite word.