Sunday, October 12

Indiana Jones Moment

Here is the little something that I have been working on.

Last week Erika and I went to go play in natures back yard (aka Heavenly Father's back yard). It seemed more colorful and brighter that the week that I was able to go into Millcreek Canyon.

Some of the pictures did not give this beautiful splendor justice. The trees were full of an array of fall colors that we all love and enjoy. Some of the trees were so bright they looked like they were on fire. I wish that I could just package every moment that I spent and take it with me wherever I go. Since I wasn't really sure how to do that I just made a home video reminding me of all the wonders in the world.

Thanks Erika for such an awesome time!


Heather Atkinson said...

I love how you ended with the nudist ranch. :D I need to go with you guys next time. Let's plan a day NOW so I can request it off if I need to. Waha. Hullaballoooo!

Erika Bassett said...

Lindsey you're the bomb! That was an amazing clip of our adventures and I love watching it again and again!!! I look forward to more off-roadin'! I'm glad that you were adventuresome, wanting to explore and not freaked out by my driving. Thanks for coming with me!