Last week I celebrated Christmas with my older bro Matthew and his wife Ruth. Matt is a really BIG Utah fan and has been talking about the U ever since he has gotten back into town. Since he is into Utah so much I was a really good sister and purchased an official U of U shirt for his Christmas present.
Usually I don't take sides when it come to the U vs the Y but I felt like I would be a rebel (as I think I should) and parade new BYU attire in his presence. (I figured since I went to LDSBC and it is a break-off of BYU it was only proper)
My grandma caught wind of my diabolical plan and wanted to join in as well. Since she didn't have any BYU attire we made due with tape and and blue sweatshirt...
I thought it wasn't half bad myself.
My brother wasn't too happy with my decision but we decieded that we could still be friends. :D
You're awesome.. Way to not be a peacemaker. He he. I am BYU too, but wasn't that a good game on Friday. Whoot, go Utah, just this once!
One word: Aaaaawesooooome.
Ok, two words. :D
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