Monday, December 15

Catch Up!

So as I recount my events of this large town life I have come to the realization of several things; Number one shopping is still a torturous event.

Why is shopping such a torturous event? Those who know me know that I don't necessarily take on the roll of a shopaholic nor would it become my life long dream. No...Tom Hanks would not carefully look me in the eyes and say..."don't cry shop-girl". Whenever shopping for myself I can never find anything long enough or that fits just right without looking...well blah! While shopping for others I find it to be a long process. While sitting back listening and watching others while in the store I get a pretty good idea of things that are possible gifts in the making. If I haven't made a recent person in store contact...well I wander around the store aimlessly like a lost child. For an example one year I might have left my Christmas shopping last minute and ran around various stores. When a fellow friend found me at Walmart she happened to say, "Wow! You look tired how long have you been out shopping? Your eyes are bright red!" My response to this question was only and hour and a half, which was true. Now that you have a feel for my "love" of shopping try imagining me shopping alongside someone who shares this "love". Along with one of my fellow enrichment members we traveled the valley to find various emergency preparedness items. One of these items happened to be hand sanitizer. Of course every girl on a budget immediately goes for the best looking cheapest thing. That thing happened to be in Target on a lonely isle on the bottom self. The only problem was that this particular hand sanitizer had scents such as orange, green apple, blue raspberry, etc. and very little supply of just one. My fellow friend and I decided that we would sit Indian style on the floor to check out these various scents so they were not an anyway offensive. While sitting on the floor going through the bins a man asked if we worked at Target. Of course I was fully into this sorting of hand sanitizer that I never looked up and just said no. I never realized that when he was asking my fellow friend happened to be stiffing the blue raspberry scent that happened to be somewhat "offensive". This of course made the man laugh...laugh really hard. I couldn't help but chuckle then I realized...we are both on a dirty floor wearing black pants! We both had butt imprints on our pants! This will forever be brought up in my future conversations of this person.

Number two no matter how hard I throw the Frisbee I am still out of shape. I have recently discovered Frisbee golf although it is a fun sport I might reconsider playing it after have such a sore arm.

Number three many things change in the matter of a year or a few months. One of my good friends has been living in Vietnam in this past year teaching English. Only a few months ago did he tell anyone that he was engaged and getting married on the 14Th of December. Of course the first question was, "so is she Vietnamese?" Which he said, "No, she is someone that lives in Utah." Of course I didn't see that one coming after all the whole living in Vietnam thing.

Number four cats are curious; that's why they have nine lives. My grandma recently got a kitten not long ago that has a knack for getting into trouble. I have to say it gives me more of an appreciation for dogs.

Number five no matter how old I am, I am still a kid at heart. While driving around with my cousin Sharla we decided to try and find as many Christmas Story streets as we could. Some might think after you reach a certain age this magnificent display of lights would wear off but somewhere deep in my heart it holds an excitement that can't easily be displayed. It could be the lights or the candy cane coco....hum...I am not sure ;)


Heather Atkinson said...

YAAAAAAAY Christmas and hand sanitizers! I sit on the floor at stores as well, so don't feel silly about that. I actually had a loverly scar from Walmart once, when my mother coaxed me into climbing a shelf to get a particular box of muffin mix. She offered her leg for me to stand on, but alas....her pants were spandex-y, and my leg went sliding straight into the shelf, smashing countless pancake batter boxes and causing quite a racket. Then I cradled my wound on the floor, while my mother and I both laughed/cried and watched the other shoppers slowly drift away with frightened and confused looks on their faces. Whew! That was almost long anough to be a post on my own blog! :D So how many Christmas streets did you find? There's a house you should go to in Murray; my fam went there last night are are taking me this Friday. they say it's the bee's knees. Well, that's not quite the term they used, but still.

Luke, Marie & Brody said...

You are too funny Linds!!! I am sad that when we get back to work that it wont be appropriate to listen to your Christmas music anymore!! :( OH well! I hope you have such a Merry Christmas! And add me to your list!!