Friday, March 5

Heather This One's for You!

Hi everyone! I know that the nerd or as some might say the "geek" in me has not yet subsided. For those who always wished that they could rip DVD's to your computer for iPod use...or other use this post is for you!

I know that I promised...awhile ago but sorry for the delay.

Handbrake a free open source software that can convert MPEG video or DVD's into an MPEG-4 format. Or in other words it is a free software program that will allow you to rip your DVD's to your computer and put them on other cool digital toys. This software now works with Macintosh, Windows, and for those really nerdy people Linux. It also allows you to rip any blu-ray disks as long as you have a blu-ray player associated with your computer.

You can download the software at For those people who have Dell computers you might find that after you have downloaded the software the CD-ROM+DVD drive will not allow you to rip your DVD. If this happens you can go to and download a free trail software. This should bypass problems that you might have.

Now that you know how to rip your DVD's you can easily enjoy watching your movies on your digital toys. Enjoy :D


Anonymous said...

yeah no dice with getting it to work on a MAC

Lindsay said...

What type of mac do you have? It usually actually works better with a mac.

Anonymous said...

it's a white macbook with snow leopard. um well the thing downloaded but it said i needed another program but the other program didn't mesh with the thing. they weren't the same size or some junk. i don't know.